Congrats to Prof. Anna Pegler-Gordon for her book's Honorable Mention.

March 31, 2023 - Nicole Golden

cover of P-G's bookCongratulations to APAS core faculty Prof. Anna Pegler-Gordon for receiving Honorable Mention from the Association for Asian American Studies' (AAAS) Award for the Best Book in the history category. AAAS recognizes authors and contributors for book awards for titles of merit in history, social science, creative writing, and humanities and cultural studies. To take a look at Prof. Pegler-Gordon's honorable mention or other books awards, visit the AAAS book award page.

In her book Closing the Golden Door: Asian Migration and the Hidden History of Exclusion at Ellis Island (2021), Prof. Pegler-Gordon draws on immigrants’ oral histories and memoirs, government archives, newspapers, and other sources to reorient the history of migration and exclusion in the United States. In chronicling the circumstances of those who passed through or were detained at Ellis Island, she shows that Asian exclusion was both larger in scope and more limited in force than has been previously recognized.